Last week I completed my 4th marathon. As with most runners, I had several goals ... some of them I achieved and others I didn't. I had hoped to finish in faster than 4 hours this time, but I had also decided that I would still be happy with the race if I only set a Personal Record. Turned out that my second goal was more realistic and I finished with a 13 minute PR (only 7 minutes slower than a 4 hour finish... there's always next time). I was most happy with the fact that I felt great when I finished, was able to walk normally the next day, and now after only 6 days of rest feel refreshed and ready to refocus on the next goal. I'm excited to see how I will be able tackle the next challenge!
I can't help but think that my spiritual life is similar. I have several goals in relation to Bible Study, Prayer, Spiritual Growth and Church Involvement. Some of my goals are realistic and others are not. I have to allow myself to celebrate when I achieve the realistic goals and not beat myself up when I don't achieve others. I have to realize that God sees all that I do and He of all people will understand my limitations and celebrate my small achievements. It gives me such a sense of freedom and an understanding of His love for me when I look at it this way. He's not shaming me for the goals I didn't achieve. Instead He's celebrating the small victories with me. He also allows for me to have times of refreshment and refocusing so I can be prepared for the next effort. Just as rest is essential for me to run a good Marathon, so are times of rest essential for my spiritual growth.
I tend to beat myself up in goals...But reminded to celebrate the small goals in life. Thanks so much for sharing.